A pub landlord has been lambasted by his decision to ban stag dos and hen parties from his establishment, with a singular reason for the ban.
Tigh Neachtain's in Galway, Ireland, appeared fed up with the groups out celebrating precursors to wedding days and put an end to the celebration in the pub.
A stern sign outside the pub makes it clear the parties are no longer welcome at the establishment, a boozer which finds itself appealing to locals and tourists alike.
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But the controversial signage has been met with equal parts pushback and support from those in the area, GalwayBeo reported.
It would appear the "sorry lads, not tonight" placard out front is meant to shoo away those on a booze cruise to celebrate their big day, but a lack of space has proven problematic.
A post from the bar's social media team read: "Dear customers, due to complete lack of space (and our locals) we are unable to accept stag and hen parties in our bar, we hope you understand and can continue on the celebrations elsewhere."
It appears locals are split on the Instagram post, which showed a photo of the sign, reading: "Please note that we are unable to host hens and stag parties in our bar."
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Comments were split on whether or not they supported the bar ban on hens and stags.
One comment read: "Nice to see ye are looking after locals."
Another aired their support for the ban, agreeing it was "probably too small" to be a facility to parties bigger than the average boozy night out.
A third wrote: "Heel [sic] be begging for hens and stags come winter when he's counting empty stools."
It seems the bar has delighted a few tourists though, with one review of the place saying punters at Tigh Neachtain's taught an American couple "how to drink stout."
A review from Philippa read: "Made friends right away with three fellas at the bar and learned about how to drink stout. Other folks offered their booth when they left, which would never happen in America."
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