Horror moment tiger shark misses swimmer by inches as he scrambles to climb back onto boat | The Sun

A SWIMMER screams in terror as a huge tiger shark lunges inches away from him as he scrambles to climb back into his boat.

The narrow escape was filmed by another man on the boat – who laughs as his mate frantically dodges the predator.

The video, filmed off Queensland, Australia, was posted on TikTok.

The swimmer at first seems to be in no danger as he gestures to his mates on board to take what appears to be a metal bait cage or crab pot.

Suddenly he screams "Aargh!" and thrashes the cage on the surface of the sea.

Just then the massive sharks darts into view of the camera.

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It misses the swimmer by a fraction as it lunges at where he dropped the cage and writhes on the surface next to the boat.

A man behind the camera is heard laughing hysterically.

Finally as the swimmer hauls himself out of the water, he looks at the camera and says: "Are you f***ing kidding me, mate?"

A caption says the video was filmed at Snapper Rocks, a popular surfing spot near Queensland's Gold Coast.

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A golden beach and a natural rock pool nearby draw crowds of tourists.

Viewers said they were terrified by the footage.

One said in the comments: "I would have just died of a heart attack."

Another said: "Tiger shark. Not sure anyone knows just how close that was to a really, really bad day."

A third said: "Missed him by this šŸ¤ much. šŸ˜."

Others were amazed at the reaction of the man's mates.

One said: "Total bro friends!! Laughing and Recording your demise!!"

Tiger sharks are said to be responsible for more attacks on humans than any species apart from great whites.

In March, a tourist was killed by an 8ft tiger shark in a Caribbean island's first ever fatal attack.

In January, video showed swimmers running for their lives out if the water as a tiger shark approached a beach in Perth, Western Australia.

At least six people have died in more than 40 shark attacks worldwide so far in 2022.

Last week, two lifeguards and a swimmer were mauled in separate attacks at popular beaches on New York's Fire Island.

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Earlier this month, two women were killed in separate attacks just hours apart in reports on Egypt's Red Sea.

Authorities believe a rogue mako shark was responsible.

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